• Laser Dentistry

    Lasers direct a controlled force of energy that can remove or alter bone and tissue. By applying varying wavelengths of energy, dental lasers are used to detect and treat a myriad of oral health issues, including detecting oral cancer and treating small cavities. There are two different types of dental

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  • Loose Teeth and Bite Problems

    While a loose baby tooth is perfectly normal, a loose adult tooth is something to be concerned about. Painful and unpleasant, a loose permanent tooth may fall out, need extracting, or cause serious bite problems. This can all be avoided, but it is imperative that you seek professional dental care as

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  • Missing Teeth

    Tooth loss can be caused by gum disease, deep decay, and trauma. Certain congenital genetic conditions can result in teeth which never develop. Some medical conditions can contribute to tooth loss. But no matter what the cause, missing teeth should never be ignored. A missing tooth is not just a cosmetic

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  • Mouthguards

    While you’re living your active life, be sure to protect your smile. A mouthguard is essential safety gear whenever you participate in any sport or activity that could lead to dental trauma. Oral and dental injuries are very common for athletes, and often these injuries can be prevented or reduced

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  • Mouthwash

    Adding an appropriate mouthwash to your dental hygiene routine can be a simple and effective way to improve your overall dental health. Mouthwash helps reduce plaque, control bad breath, and prevents tooth decay and gum disease. There are many types and brands of mouthwash available over-the-counter

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